- →MSc Business Analytics 中国学生录取率:8.8% 专业录取率:19.2%
- →MSc Entrepreneurship 23fall 中国学生录取率:3.2% 专业录取率:22.5%
- →MSc Finance23fall 中国学生录取率:9.8% 专业录取率:16.6%
- →MSc Management 中国学生录取率:12% 专业录取率:7.8%
- MSc Business Analytics
- MSc Entrepreneurship 这两个专业都在WePow平台进行线上面试。
- MSc Finance 需要参加线上数学测试。满足申请的要求并通过线上笔试后,会收到参加WePow平台进行的线上面试的信息。
- MSc Management满足申请要求后,一般会收到UCL的线上面试邀请,学生需要在7个工作日之内完成面试。
- 1,学生对于学校和专业的了解程度,这包括他们对专业知识的深度理解以及如何将这些知识应用于实际问题解决的能力。
- 2,考察学生的沟通能力,不仅体现在与他人的有效交流上,也反映在如何通过沟通展示自己的研究和组织能力。
- 3,看申请者是否像申请材料中展现的那样优秀,这需要通过对其学术成绩、专业技能以及个人品质的综合评价来实现。
- (1). Why you fit in this programme? And how this programme will help you in your career?
- (2). Define a big problem of our times. Explain why this problem is big and propose some solutions for this problem.
- (1).为什么选择该专业?
- (2).你未来5-10年的职业规划?
- (3).个人的优缺点是什么?
- (4).讲一些个人的一些成功与失败的经历?
⭐四,下面是不同专业的问题🌷1.UCL MSc ManagementUCL的msc Management面试题目,今年进行了改革,万年不变的两个问题的基础之上添加了一个,共三题。学生需要对着电脑屏幕录屏回答。
- 1.面试环节介绍:先观看视频介绍,会告诉你有哪些环节。
- 2.时间介绍:回答两道问题,分别有准备和回答时间。
- 3.设备调节测试:可以在这个时间调试好设备和网络没有问题。
- 4.模拟面试:进行预备录制,可以自己录一段回答,以准备正式面试。
- 5.开始正式面试:
- 1.Why you are the right candidate?
- 2.Define a big problem of our time. Explain why we should be concerned about the problem, and the main way we can solve.
- 3.Choose finance pathway or corporate pathway?
🌷2.MSc Business Analytics面试题库分享:
- 1.Why BA?
- 2.Please suggest something that has inspired you, that you think everyone on the programme should read and why they should read it.
- 3.What, in your opinion, are the greatest disadvantages of using analytics in the business world?
- 4.The application of data engineering.
- 5.Tell us about a time when you were underperforming and how you overcame it.
- 6.Career goal.
- 7.Why do you think MSc Business Analytics is a good fit for you?
- 8. What do you think everyone on this program should read? Why?
- 9 .What are the greatest advantages of using analytics in the business world?
- 10. How can data visualization be applied to BA
- 11. Describe a time that you realize that you need to learn on something. How do you overcome the weakness?
- 12. Would you prefer to work in a fast growing startup company or an established company? Why?
- 13. Why this program fit for you?
- 14. Please suggest something that has inspired you, that you think everyone on MSc Business Analytics should read and why they should read it?
- 15. How can NLP be used in BA?
- 16. What kind of company would you like to work after graduation? Why it appeals to you?
- 【1】【2】【6】应该是必出的题,【6】可能问法会变但核心不变。
- 【3】的正反面建议都准备+再准备一个ethical issues of BA。
- 【4】比较开放,还有可能是Python / Machine Learning对BA的作用、NLP的应用等。
- 【5】也有可能让你说你觉得你自己能提升的点,应该怎样提升。
🌷3.MSc Finance今年的面试一共六道题,题目比较固定。两道口语+四道写作。
- 1.video(准备1min说2min)自我介绍+why UCL finance
- 2.video(准备1min说2min)leadership/teamwork experience
- 3.(3 min writing)The program is very demanding and students will need to draw on a broad set of skills. Depending on your background, there will be areas in which you will be particularly strong, and others where you may not be as strong.Among Mathematics,Statistics, Economics, Accounting, English(written), English (speaking), and general presentation skills.which two areas do you feel are you relative weaknesses?How would you intend to develop these before commencing study?
- 4.(2 min writing)lmagine you are admitted and go on to success fully graduate. What is your dream job after graduation? Please name a city, a company, and a position/job title.
- 5.(2 min writing)How many programmes do you plan to apply to? Among these, how would you rank UCL MSc Finance? Please detail your top 5 programmes in order.
- 6.(2 min writing)Do you already have admission offers? If so, do youwish to make us aware of a specific
🌷4.MSc Entrepreneurship面试内容:可以推测,面试可能会涉及到申请者的创业经历、管理技能以及对创新企业的理解和兴趣。自我介绍是面试的一部分,申请者需要准备好介绍自己的背景和为什么对这个专业感兴趣。此外,考虑到MSc Entrepreneurship专业的特点,面试中可能还会探讨申请者对于如何启动和运营高影响力、“盈利性”的创新企业的看法和计划。